• While continually evolving, much of the existing drone delivery platforms are focused on the civilian and commercial market. These existing drone platforms face challenges navigating comfortably in tight contested environments, as they are designed to fly high above buildings rather than through them. Combat zones increasingly need to mitigate GPS jamming - full autonomy without ground control is a feature that AeroMed Lab is bringing to the battlefield.

  • Like all operations on a battlefield, there is some risk involved in kinetic delivery. However, the AeroMed Lab has developed numerous safety protocols and best practices that, when followed correctly, dramatically reduce this risk. We perform extensive research and field testing on our product and delivery method to ensure safe parameters. Please reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns about our systems, or if you have suggestions for how we can improve our safety procedures.

  • Yes! While our mission is primarily focused on whole blood delivery, drones can carry anything from bandages and medicine to food and spare parts. Our kinetic delivery system can be modified to account for many weight distributions and impact force requirements as is needed.

  • Due to government regulations, our operations are currently focused to conflict zones. However, there may be opportunity to expand into civilian markets should there be sufficient public interest within regulation.

  • Dropping packages can be more efficient and safer in certain scenarios, especially in emergency medical deliveries. Here are a few reasons:

    1. Speed and Efficiency: Dropping packages allows drones to quickly deliver items without the need to find a safe landing spot, which can be time-consuming.

    2. Safety: Soldiers can stay in secure locations, minimizing their exposure to potential threats. Our algorithms can "toss" the package behind walls, into trenches, or even through open windows.

      Landing in rough or unknown terrain can be risky for drones. Dropping packages minimizes the risk of damage to the drone.

      The continuous movement vs hovering makes the drone harder to target.

    3. Accessibility: Some areas might be difficult or impossible for drones to land, but packages can still be delivered by dropping them from a safe height.

    4. Battery Conservation: Hovering and landing require more time and energy. By dropping packages, drones can conserve battery life and extend their operational range.

  • As an early-stage start-up, we are constantly growing. We will post available positions as they open. In the meantime, connect with us on LinkedIn or feel free to reach out with your interest, and we can always hold onto your information for upcoming roles. We love meeting people engaged in our mission!